//Fair Futures.

Blockchain, Dafne+, NFTS, Digital communities 


We delved into navigating intangible technologies within the framework of fundamental topics such as globalization, technology, and social dynamics. These elements weave the tapestry of our current society, presenting us with both challenges and opportunities. Collaborating with SODA in Manchester, we immersed ourselves in the realm of blockchain, focusing on distributed design and exploring how we can design with values. Additionally, we learned about decentralized digital communities and how we can re design new Systems for.

Tech - Magical Futures - Open source

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Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a type of digital currency primarily used online, and it doesn't rely on a central entity like a bank or government to verify transactions. Instead, it employs peer-to-peer software and encryption[1] to manage the currency. Bitcoins are used to transfer electronic money from one wallet to another quickly, cost-effectively, and without the need for intermediaries. The blockchain, a cryptographic innovation, serves as a public ledger of all confirmed transactions. Each transaction is recorded in a block, and multiple blocks form a chain. Every time a transaction occurs, the blocks are temporarily sealed and must form a long chain of blocks for that transaction to be confirmed.

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DAFNE (Decentralized Autonomous Foundation for Network Economics) is an economic model that aims to create a decentralized and autonomous network for economic activities. It is designed to enable participants to collaborate, transact, and govern resources in a transparent and efficient manner.
The participants interact through smart contracts on a blockchain platform. These smart contracts facilitate the exchange of value and govern the rules and incentives of the network. By removing intermediaries and relying on decentralized consensus mechanisms, DAFNE promotes trust, fairness, and inclusivity in economic interactions.

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Is a technology that enables the secure and decentralized storage and transmission of data. It is essentially a digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers, creating a chain of blocks linked together. Each block contains a list of transactions, and once added to the chain, it cannot be altered without the consensus of the network. This makes blockchain highly transparent, tamper-resistant, and reliable, making it suitable for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain management, voting systems, and smart contracts.

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NFTs have become highly popular in art and entertainment, enabling artists and creators to tokenize and sell digital works. This includes artwork, music, videos, and virtual real estate. NFTs provide a way for creators to monetize their digital content, retaining control and potentially earning royalties from future resales. They've revolutionized the digital realm by facilitating secure and decentralized trading of unique digital assets.

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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are entities that operate through smart contracts and blockchain technology, eliminating the need for a central authority or intermediary. They are designed to be transparent, autonomous, and governed by consensus.

DAOs enable a more democratic and inclusive approach to decision-making, allowing the participation of individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations. They facilitate collaboration, innovation, and community-driven initiatives while reducing the reliance on centralized authorities.

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Common Gobernance
Decentralized systems

Elinor Ostrom was a Nobel Prize-winning economist and political scientist known for her research on common pool resources. She showed that communities can effectively manage shared resources without top-down regulation or privatization.

The decentralized technological communities that apply Ostrom's principles to govern blockchain systems often overlook the importance of context. A sustainable system is one that can meet the needs of current and future generations while preserving natural resources and ecological processes that sustain those needs. When we use the term 'sustainable' to describe a system's ability to maintain its functions, resilience, and adaptability over time, we recognize its relevance in a more human sense. Futures responsibly open.

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Technocratic Magical Thinking

Exploring new narratives in our processes of evolution is a journey that fills me with curiosity and inspiration. Immersing ourselves in the idea of 'Technocratic Magical Thinking,' it recognizes the importance of not limiting our magical thinking only to new technologies but opening ourselves to a broader and balanced approach. Creating languages for the new, new perceptions of our context that require new strategies.

It aspires to move beyond the belief that technology is the sole answer to our social development, envisioning a future where innovation is infused with core values: interdependence, social responsibility, respect for nature, personal transformation, and appreciation for beauty. Seeking to transcend the obsession with power and capital, focusing on building a world where technology not only progresses but also preserves the essence of our humanity, I am energized to continue these explorations. Exploring the great mystery of the unknown in this context (XXI) like Mina.

Dodo Dao
(Ritualistic Artifact)

FACULTY: Jessica Guy, Olga Trevisan
Team:Everardo, Anna ,Anna, Jorge M, Anthu, Albert, Vania y Flora

Frameworks : Loss of biodiversity + Ritualization in the digital era.

February 2024

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Honorable Harvesting Kit:

After absorbing the tools from the seminar, we decided to combine various strategies to address our central concern, the loss of biodiversity. We created a physical kit that guides people in applying the principles of honorable harvest:

*Transparent box with PULSE filters: It acts as a filter in combination with PULSE sensors to capture signals from plants when asking for permission. This helps people understand plants more deeply.

*Matryoshka set: Designed to take only what is necessary based on the size and fruiting of the plant, promoting responsible harvesting.

*Gloves: Symbol of being gentle and respectful during the harvesting process.

*Portable digester: To process waste and return nutrients to the plant as a gesture of gratitude.

This kit is integrated into the Dafne+ platform, and we've created a DAO strategy to encourage everyone's participation. The collective DAO brings together people who want to incorporate honorable harvest into their urban lives from various perspectives, including knowledge, reflections, practices, documentation, know-how, and biodiversity care. This strategy aims to engage the community at large, creating a collective space to share knowledge, thoughts, and practices related to biodiversity and honorable harvest.

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Getting to know all these tools and languages in the seminar can be summed up in two words: Relief and Collective Support. Delving into the concepts of digital governance and methods that are already being explored eases understanding these active realities where collectivism and the sense of creating community empower us with the new languages of the digital era.

It's also essential to carefully observe from which perspective we view these digital languages and technology. We still carry the noise of our anthropocenic era; that's why I feel expansion when we consider other intelligences, non-human, non-rational, in our process of creating tech. I call it ritualizing our creative process, something that I personally keep very much in mind in my role as a creator. Therefore, the conversation with AX Mina felt supportive, a permission to continue exploring, a permit for amplitude, and an invitation to the creative intention that we can cultivate together with new physical and digital technologies. We have questioned the myths of cyberspace and the linear vision of progress.

As Vincent Mosco mentions, "we must free ourselves from the notion that the future is a pure extension of logic and technical progress. Exploring our rituals and connecting with nature will help us overcome this limited vision".

Future Talks

*Reflection Tree**  ABOUT MY DESIGN PROJECT :
Non Rational Thinking ; Non human intelligence + Bio Manufacturing (Fabrication) + Ancestral collective knowledge = Future ancestral Tech.

Reflecting on the concepts I am exploring using the reflection tree allowed me to refresh certain points that I had not considered but were present. Considering the impact of my design on various aspects led me to question how I could make my research concepts more open. The key question that arose was: How can we empower ourselves through collective ancestral knowledge?
The idea of Open Source led me to envision creating a cloud of collective knowledge encompassing cultural and social ancestral techniques. This perspective broadened my view, and I am currently in the process of applying it to my thesis project. Exploring these ideas has inspired me to seek ways to integrate collective knowledge into my design approach and how this openness can have a positive impact on my research and practice.

By Distributed Design Platform

A Global collaboration, connecting communities, recognizing trends, embracing technology, and fostering value-based practices.

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