Microchallenge II

Dr Chladni is Here !!

Reflections, discoveries, and hands and REPO.

Frequencies and vibrations:

DR Chladni

Research and Makers
by : Anthuanet Falcon & Albert Vila

*Challenging current methods of exploration in the natural world*

The Dr. Chladni project emerges as the natural evolution of our explorations since our initial micro-challenge. This time, alongside developing our device to visualize shapes from frequencies, we aimed to harness Artificial Intelligence to train patterns and achieve an ambitious outcome. Specifically, we extracted frequencies from heartbeats to create a diagnostic language using the Chladni Plate, leveraging the patterns we trained.

Undoubtedly, our aspirations were lofty, and we are immensely satisfied with the results achieved. This project not only opened new doors to further questions and possibilities but also posed intriguing inquiries: Could someone use a Chladni Plate to ascertain their cardiac diagnosis? How might these new languages influence the intersection between science and human perception? It also pushes the boundaries of what we deemed possible, exploring how technology and creativity can converge to transform our relationship with the world around us.

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This process has not only expanded my technical and scientific skills but has also solidified my understanding of the potential impact of the convergence of art and technology in the medical field. Working with the Chladni Plate and applying Artificial Intelligence to interpret heart frequencies as visual patterns has been fascinating and educational. Every step of the way, from conceptualization to practical implementation, challenged us to innovate and collaborate creatively to overcome obstacles and achieve significant outcomes. Imagining how these emerging technologies can revolutionize medical diagnostics and enhance patient care is both thrilling and motivating. Ultimately, the Dr. Chladni project has reinforced my belief that interdisciplinary innovation can pave new paths for progress, inspiring me to continue contributing with creativity and dedication to projects that push conventional boundaries and benefit society as a whole.

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Diagnostic languages

The approach of diagnosing using the combination of heart frequencies, the Chladni Plate, and visual interpretation opens up a fascinating new path in medical and scientific communication. By translating subtle variations in heartbeats into tangible visual patterns, we are developing a diagnostic language that transcends traditional words and numbers. This method not only promises to enhance diagnostic accuracy by providing a clear visual representation of cardiac health but also introduces an innovative way to interpret and communicate health status. Beyond potentially facilitating early detection of heart conditions and other illnesses, it has the potential to enhance patients' understanding of their own health. By integrating technology with artistic and scientific sensitivity, we are shaping a new diagnostic paradigm that could revolutionize how we understand and treat diseases, bridging seemingly disparate disciplines for the benefit of medicine and society as a whole.

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"Test 1, Performance Presentation"

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Design Dialogos

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Design Visual Diagnostic  

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The team in proccess ,training Data

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TEAM After  Interactive session

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