Microchallenge III

Reflections, discoveries, and hands and REPO.

Planta Vibras 

Research and Makers
by : Anthuanet Falcon & Albert Vila

Planta Vibras aims to create a decentralized sensory immersive experience through a day in the life of a plant.

Planta Vibras aims to raise awareness about non-human intelligences and promote new languages of interconnection that empower us in a post-anthropocene perspective, fostering collaboration with all species. By shifting attention from centralized sensory perception to a more distributed and holistic form, the project seeks to redefine our relationship with the natural environment. This innovative approach not only offers a new way to understand and experience the natural world but also highlights the importance of plants and other non-human beings in creating a balanced and sustainable ecosystem. Planta Vibras invites us to reconsider our perception of intelligence and communication, promoting greater harmony and understanding among all forms of life on our planet.

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After contacting the invisible intelligences..

The Planta Vibras project has been a revelation for me in understanding sensory communication and its potential to connect different forms of life. By creating an interactive installation that uses sensory data from a Calathea plant and converts it into tangible vibrations, I have been able to experience firsthand what it feels like to be a plant for a day. This approach has not only allowed me to appreciate the complexities of the plants' internal processes but also challenged my traditional perception of intelligence and communication. By integrating advanced technology with artistic sensitivity, I have created an immersive experience that is both educational and profoundly connective. This experience invites me to rethink my relationship with the natural world and motivates me to seek new forms of interaction and collaboration with other species.

Additionally, Planta Vibras opens a new path in my exploration of the possibilities of decentralized sensory perception. By shifting attention from head-centric perception to a more holistic experience involving the entire body, I have discovered a new dimension of human interaction with the environment. This project highlights the importance of the skin and other sensory organs in perceiving and understanding the world, proposing a form of communication that is more intuitive and direct. The ability to translate a plant's sensory data into a tangible and perceptible experience for humans has significant implications not only for biology and ecology but also for medicine, art, and education. By fostering greater awareness and appreciation of non-human intelligences, Planta Vibras promotes a more inclusive and collaborative approach to coexistence on the planet, opening new opportunities for innovation and interdisciplinary understanding.

Data From Calathea per 1 day

Follow her Movements 

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Applications Signals:

At the beginning of our exploration of the tools, Albert and I focused on our agreement on what we wanted to learn to integrate into our explorations of the Design Space. Learning to collect data with electronic devices and then send it to a database systematized by IoT was crucial for my development and the extension of my master's thesis project. These challenges broadened my perception of the use of current tools, which I was later able to apply to my project Animistic Tech.
This experience not only provided me with essential technical skills but also allowed me to better understand how technology can be creatively integrated into design and art projects. The ability to collect and analyze data in real time opened new possibilities for sensory interaction and communication, especially in the context of the Planta Vibras project. This educational journey has inspired me to continue exploring the potential of technology to create deeper and more meaningful connections between humans and the natural environment. In summary, this initial experience marked a turning point in my professional and personal approach, reinforcing my commitment to interdisciplinary innovation and the constant search for new forms of interaction and understanding.

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