//Design Studio2 + Interventions

Welcome to my sacred space, where my exploration feel free. Lest see! 

°Non Rational Thinking  + Bio Manufacturing with living systems  + Ancestral collective knowledge = Future Ancestral Animist Tech°

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We have questioned the myths of cyberspace, The nature matrix and the linear vision of progress. As Vincent Mosco mentions, "We must free ourselves from the notion that the future is a pure extension of logic and technical progress. Exploring our rituals and connecting with nature will help us overcome this limited vision".

Exploring the unknown

Design space Process


How to create technologies that coexist and create with other intelligence systems?

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After conducting my explorations in conjunction with relevant interventions, I find myself in a moment of reflection where I return to question and recall my initial inquiry: What is the future of the ancestral? By "ancestral," I encompass rooted knowledge, evolutionary memory, and collective language that shape the diverse forms of culture within each family, extinction,live and dead, communities, and species interacting with our planet. It is through this reflective process that I have reformulated my initial question and developed the narrative which I term ANIMISTIC TECH . 

ANIMISTIC TECH is a Methodology, Process, and Artifact for Exploration living materials in this case  *Roots Exploration.

Throughout history, humanity has cultivated an intimate and creatively inspiring bond with nature, giving rise to biomimicry. However, beyond merely imitating the examples that nature offers us in terms of planning systems, forms, textures, and functions, there is a deeper aspect that eludes human understanding: the consciousness underlying these systems and their ability to maintain balance with the planet and assume risks. This lack of understanding prompts questioning about the cognition of other living and non-living systems and species, as it confronts us with the complexity and depth of the intelligence inherent in nature. These explorations and inquiries invite us to reimagine alternative futures, opening up the possibility of new post-anthropocenic technological languages inspired by the coexistence of interplanetary intelligences.


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Roots intelligence°



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Exploring new narratives in our processes of evolution is a journey that fills me with curiosity and inspiration. Immersing ourselves in the idea of 'Technocratic Magical Thinking,' it recognizes the importance of not limiting our magical thinking only to new technologies but opening ourselves to a broader and balanced approach. Creating languages for the new, new perceptions of our context that require new strategies.

It aspires to move beyond the belief that technology is the sole answer to our social development, envisioning a future where innovation is infused with core values: interdependence, social responsibility, respect for nature, personal transformation, and appreciation for beauty. Seeking to transcend the obsession with power and capital, focusing on building a world where technology not only progresses but also preserves the essence of our humanity, I am energized to continue these explorations. Exploring the great mystery of the unknown in this context (XXI) like Mina.

at La Grand Maison Rouge

WHERE: Angoustrine-Villeneuve-des-escaldes
FACULTY: Merce , Thomas
Frameworks : From Nature languages + NON RATIONAL THINKING +Low tech + Regenerative + Hike 

March 2024

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Exploring soils

A world under our feet , systems , living materials , live and dead

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"Design Dialogues II"

Presentation of Dr Chladni 
By : Anthuanet Falcon & Albert Vila
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae rutrum metus. Integer velit nisl, ultrices id tempor ultrices enim."

Cynthia Diaz
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Design Dialogues II

Sharon Davis
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae rutrum metus. Integer velit nisl, ultrices id tempor ultrices enim."

Sharon Davis
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae rutrum metus. Integer velit nisl, ultrices id tempor ultrices enim."

Sharon Davis


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Video Description

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Getting to know all these tools and languages in the seminar can be summed up in two words: Relief and Collective Support. Delving into the concepts of digital governance and methods that are already being explored eases understanding these active realities where collectivism and the sense of creating community empower us with the new languages of the digital era.

It's also essential to carefully observe from which perspective we view these digital languages and technology. We still carry the noise of our anthropocenic era; that's why I feel expansion when we consider other intelligences, non-human, non-rational, in our process of creating tech. I call it ritualizing our creative process, something that I personally keep very much in mind in my role as a creator. Therefore, the conversation with AX Mina felt supportive, a permission to continue exploring, a permit for amplitude, and an invitation to the creative intention that we can cultivate together with new physical and digital technologies. We have questioned the myths of cyberspace and the linear vision of progress.

As Vincent Mosco mentions, "we must free ourselves from the notion that the future is a pure extension of logic and technical progress. Exploring our rituals and connecting with nature will help us overcome this limited vision".

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