The AOWS  

 Re Explorations with new perspectives,


Research and Possible futures 
by : Anthuanet Falcon & Everardo Castro

Introduction: On this occasion, we have put into practice all that we learned during Term 1 and Term 2, after having explored with various tools, concepts, and inspiring talks about design in the current context. This activity has become an opportunity to expand our evolved perspectives during the course and explore topics of interest, rethinking language forms and weak signals. It is crucial to reflect on the contexts in which we live and recognize new opportunities for designers, adapting to constant evolution, active environments, and climate challenges.
In collaboration with my colleague Everardo, we have developed the activity by exploring various common curiosities. This has allowed us to generate a series of additional cards that, more than simple weak signals, provide us with new perspectives to interpret reality.

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Our present 

Currently, we find ourselves in a crucial context of evolution, life, and death of man, living organisms, time, nature, and interrelation systems. Additionally, as a species, we have experienced unprecedented population growth, saturating space with our existence. All of this has led to the generation of diverse realities, each influenced by individual and collective perceptions, resulting in new problems, needs, trends, and other aspects.

I firmly believe that design involves empathizing and feeling as an individual and as part of a collective. That's why, at the beginning of the exercise, we focused on mapping the areas of Biological, Social, and Technological aspects.

After generating and amplifying the realities that my colleagues enriched on the board, we reflected on topics related to our personal research to work on them more closely. Below, I present three 3 topics of interest that you can learn more about.

#InterdiciplinaryTech #Symbiotic #ThecompostEra #NonRationalThinking #PostAnthropocene 


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Building upon these curiosities and resonating concepts, we constructed a map of projects, research, and readings that inspired us to explore new approaches.

Selected topics for interpretation

. Queer Ecology 
. Understanding other species cognition.
. Post Anthropocene maker

Framing Signals

Then, we continued with the next board, which helped us visualize our topics and where they could fit best, aiming to understand which category they fell into.

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Organizing the topics between contradictions and rarities helped us visualize insights for creating our AOWs cards.

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New Weak Signals:

The photos were generated using AI and prompted by our explored concepts, experimenting many times and adjusting the parameters. Generated by Anthuanet Falcon and AI.

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In an era of shifting paradigms, Queer Ecology emerges to challenge established norms and classifications, advocating for a broader perception of sexuality, gender, and other human categories. It encourages us to rethink living beings, evolutionary processes, and ecological interactions through the lens of queer theory, aiming for a more diverse and flexible scientific narrative. Queer Ecology prompts us to question arbitrary boundaries and dismantle false dichotomies, recognizing the inherent strangeness in nature.

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Throughout history, humanity has forged an intimate and creatively inspiring connection with nature, giving rise to biomimicry. However, beyond merely emulating nature's examples in terms of planning systems, forms, textures, and functions, there lies a deeper aspect that eludes human understanding: the consciousness underlying these systems and their ability to maintain balance with the planet. This lack of comprehension is prompting questions about the cognition of other systems, as it confronts us with the complexity and depth of the intelligence inherent in nature.

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Alternative methods of production that respond to the current context of hyperextractivism on a planetary scale, through earthbound resourcefull methods. Working with passive technologies, renewable energies and materials, social-biological-environmental councoius process.

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In today's world, we often prioritize long-term non changing materialities like plastics and rare metals as well as squared and stiffed institutions. We find ourselves reliant on outdated systems that have ceased to function effectively. As we embrace the need for transformation, flexibility, adaptability, and renewal, we stand on the brink of a new era.


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Each of the cards we generated is linked to my personal experience and reflects the evolution in my perception since I joined the Master's program. Playing with these cards helped me break the ice at the beginning of the course with topics that impact society. Thanks to this activity, I felt empowered with reflections I had already been observing. I firmly believe that this strategy should be shared with every designer in the world who wishes to create within their context, thus empowering each existing reality.

"Symbiotic Alternative Futures" is a valuable tool CARD for rethinking how we can co-create to coexist.

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